Reader’s Commentary: U.S. Constitution should be followed, including in elections

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

“Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction, ” said Ronald Reagan in a speech on January 6, 1967.

It seems to me that buffer generation is about to leave the station. But as that train leaves the station, we have a midterm election that could postpone that departure. Your vote is crucial.

I’m seeing our freedoms to speak and think being extinguished by mainstream media, social media, and corporate America that ignores the corruption of our DOJ, FBI, and the corruption of the president of the United States and his son, Hunter. Media fact-checkers who always have the truth at their fingertips censor anything that goes against the desired narratives of the woke Democrats.

When you destroy the First Amendment (freedom of speech)….the rest of the Bill of Rights goes with it. Anything disagreeing with the established concerns of government, media and the elites is now termed disinformation and never to be seen again. It is our media and educational institutions that give cover for those destroying the moral foundation upon which our Nation was built.

The most important element of our Constitution is that government and our people respect the rights of our citizenry, the moral ground we have been standing on. It is being pulled out from under us. Those destroying our Constitution and Country only love the Constitution when it is a being benefit. These people only believe in freedom when it is their ox being gored. They are very willing to destroy the liberty of others. Our Country is under attack from within.

The Democratic Party of today is no longer the Democratic Party of your father or grandfather. John F. Kennedy’s Democratic Party is dead. I used to vote Democratic. I believed in the Democratic Party when it fought for the common man and fought for our civil rights and the prosperity of our country. That is no longer happening. That party is gone. It left me a generation ago. It has left many other voters, even if they don’t know it.

Tulsi Gabbard ran for the nomination of the Democratic Party for the office of the president in 2020. Just a week ago she announced that she was leaving the Democratic Party. The reasons she has for leaving the Party coincide well with why I am no longer a Democrat. The following is Ms Gabbard’s speech outlining her reasons for her disillusionment with the woke Democrats.

“I can no longer remain in today’s Democrat(ic) Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers…. driven by cowardly wokeness…. and those who divide us by racializing every issue….. stoking anti-white racism…. and actively working to undermine our God-given freedoms that are enshrined in our Constitution…. who are hostile to people of faith and spirituality….. who demonize the police, but protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans,…. who believe in open borders,…. who weaponize the national security state to go after their political opponents,… and above all,…. who are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war. I believe in a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Unfortunately today’s Democrat(ic) Party does not…instead it stands for government that is of, by, and for the political elite. I’m calling on the level-headed common sense Democrats to join me in leaving the Democrat(ic) party. If you can no longer stomach the direction our so-called woke Democratic ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.”

One Reply to “Reader’s Commentary: U.S. Constitution should be followed, including in elections”

  1. Once again Bela speaks from misinformation. He only looks at the extremes and not the majority of Democrats in the Country. He speaks from a Republican viewpoint that is filled with fears , phobias, false persecution and lack of facts. I hope he can someday have amore realistic view as I feel he is a good person.

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