Reader’s Voice: Caring for others helpful, possible

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January 11, 2024
Dear editor;

Happy New Year! Many of us, as we begin the new year, think about resolutions and goals for the year ahead. While you are doing this, consider taking a few minutes to think about what your philanthropic goals are for this year.

Have you ever thought about the impact that helping someone else, whether through donations of financial resources or volunteering of your time, talent, or expertise, has had on you? You might find it unsurprising that research has identified that caring for others gave individuals a greater sense of self-worth, purpose, and connection to their community. Many of our donors have shared how impactful having a fund with the Foundation has been for them and how much it benefits them to know they are helping others. Our volunteers have told us how meaningful it has been for them to award grants and scholarships or mentor youth in our Youth Engagement in Philanthropy program.

Philanthropy is about caring for others, and while many times it is a monetary donation, it is also giving of your time and talent. Consider what you would like to give this year.

We can assist you in reaching your philanthropic goals this year. Maybe you have considered starting a scholarship fund or a donor-advised fund, or maybe you have wanted to volunteer with a local organization, but don’t know where to start. As your community’s foundation, we are here to help you connect to causes that matter to you and can help guide you through your journey.

We look forward to hearing from you soon,

Julie Christman, President & CEO, Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley

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