Reader’s Voice: Hamas, Hezbollah, condemned

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January 11, 2024
Dear editor;

A vote on the GOP-authored House Resolution 798, “condemning the support of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations at institutions of higher education, which may lead to the creation of a hostile environment for Jewish students, faculty, and staff,” passed with 396 yes votes, 23 no and 14 not voting.

“Of the 23 no votes, four came from Illinois Democrats: Garcia, Ramirez, Jackson and my opponent, Lauren Underwood,” said Marter. “There is a pattern of hostility towards a religious minority with these actions and it stands in contrast to my being on the right side of this issue. One only needs to check the press releases on my website to see I’m consistent in standing against anti-Semitism and religious bigotry. The no vote from my opponent stunned and angered many of her supporters and I welcome them to join my team as we stand unified, against this growing threat on our campuses and in many Democrat run cities.

“I think it’s an outrage that my opponent wants to blame anti-Semitism on conservative working class Americans, referring to them as ‘MAGA Republicans’ or ‘right-wing extremists’ when the reality is, Lauren, it’s you and your radical party and it shows by your actions and your votes. People are starting to see it clearly now and they want it to end. I have support from several prominent leaders in the Jewish Community and I’m pleased to add them to the broad coalition that is gathering behind my campaign, including walk-away Democrats, independents and Republicans,” Marter added.

Jim Marter, Republican for Congress IL-14.

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