Reader’s Voice: Concern expressed: Honey locust trees

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April 4, 2018
Dear editor;
Here is an open letter to Richard Irvin, mayor, of Aurora, from the Tuesday Garden Club of Aurora:
For the past 82 years, the Tuesday Garden Club of Aurora has focused its efforts on the education and promotion of the love of gardening, floral design, and environmental responsibility. With nearly 50 members who are conservation-minded, we are very concerned about the pending removal of the honey locust trees from the Water Street Mall in Aurora.
At its regularly-scheduled meeting held April 3, and after considerable discussion, the Tuesday Garden Club voted unanimously to send this letter to you, other elected and appointed city officials, and the media, to express our disappointment about the loss of these trees. We remain hopeful that the city government will replace any trees removed with native shade trees that will continue to provide cooling and filtering and a park-like atmosphere to the Water Street Mall.
Otherwise, the space evolves into little more than a hot and barren alley.
The Tuesday Garden Club believes the city government of Aurora needs to do a better job of educating city residents on the value of maintaining a healthy urban tree canopy and should strongly encourage residents to plant more native trees.
Thank you for your attention not only to this current issue, but also to the future environment we grow for our children and grandchildren.
Nancy S. Hopp
Community Committee
Tuesday Garden Club of Aurora

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