Reader’s Voice: Political games in Washington: Two can play

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April 20, 2019
Dear editor;
I say, all you Democrats who want to see Donald Trump’s income tax records, don’t you think you might first quit stumbling over your own dirty door step? How about asking about the Clinton Foundation’s activities, and exactly about all that money that Horn Dog (Bill Clinton) and his lovely wife, Hillary Clinton, have amassed?

Or how about our former president, Barack Obama, who attended Harvard as a foreign exchange student!

I saw a copy of that little blurb in the Harvard Yearbook. It has, no doubt, by now, been deleted.

Oh yes, how about his, at least two, Social Security cards? Besides all the other perks he gets, is he collecting Social Security on both of those? You say, Trump never served in the military. Do Clinton or Obama have honorable discharges from any of the Armed Forces of the United States?

Okay, I agree with you that Trump isn’t a saint, but I don’t see any haloes around any of your heads, either.
And I pray, fervently, that soon some of your closet doors will pop open and the skeletons and your dirty laundry will be exposed! We need term limits, and we needed them quite a few years ago!

To all the senators and representatives, U.S. and State, I know it will mean that you will have to go to work, but put it on the ballot and pass it! No pensions. You already made plenty of money! Learn how to budget!

Senator Dick Durban, sir, are you getting paid to be in Washington doing your best as a U.S. senator for Illinoisans?

Why aren’t you ever there? It seems that if there is a microphone and a camera, you are there.

We already have State senators who are supposed to work in Illinois.

Nancy Pelosi, your salary is more than $223,000 a year, and you have a grand house with a fence around it, yet your District looks like a slum. How come? And you paraded around Washington on Ash Wednesday with ashes on your forehead. A Catholic? Shame on you, shame on you! And the priest who placed them on your forehead.

While we’re at it, the two-faced Chuck Schumer, who 10 years ago denounced illegal immigrants at Georgetown University, now thinks we should welcome them all without ever being vetted. I thought those who are in place to make our laws should be smart, with all their degrees, yet they are certainly lacking in plain, old, common sense, in my opinion.
Evelyn Essling

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