Significance of Abe Lincoln understood

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As a country, we take holidays seriously.

Functions include celebration of good causes and important commemorations.

Holidays are time off from work both as a reward and to celebrate the day in grand style. Celebrations should not be diminished.

Importance of holidays vary from decade to decade in concert with the significance of the times and the tenor of those who have the most impact on the celebrations. Merriment and solitude may apply.

One holiday in Illinois which has been diminished in recent years and should never be reduced in importance is the celebration of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, February 12. Simply, in the U.S. Civil War, 1861-1865, his objective was to preserve the Union.

He succeeded. The Union was preserved. We are, in part, the country we are today because of the outcome of the Civil War.

There were greater finances in North and more manpower, even though the South believed in its cause and those who fought for their cause were dedicated and spirited.

In a sense, the Civil War is both a stain on our history and an inevitable part of the U.S. history. The War was better ended when it was rather than later in the 19th Century. Best to get it completed. It was inevitable. There were two styles of life in conflict. If broken into two countries what would have happened in the two World Wars in the 20th Century?

Mr. Lincoln, a man of the Prairie and astute in history and times knew what needed to be accomplished. He lived in Kentucky, Indiana and most of his life in Illinois. He grew up a man of modest means, however, well tuned to the life of the middle of the 19th Century. His importance never should be diminished. Likely he is as important, or, more important, than George Washington, whose birthday is February 22. Likely the two most important presidents’ birthdays are in February. Both were diminished for the convenience of Presidents Day, the third Monday in February. At least we must understand both of their importance. History buffs and history teachers must come to the rescue.

We have celebrations of great individuals and great times for a valid reason.

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