Tag: Wayne Johnson

No humor cause: Seeing a hoax; no care for child

You’ve all most likely heard the latest virus news that hospital ERs are being overrun by antivaxxers, some of whom have taken horse medicine, or something else such as Tender Vittles to fend off COVID-19.. Let’s see, antivaxxers won’t take an FDA-approved vaccination to prevent COVID-19, but they’ll take equine...

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On drummer Charlie Watts, Rolling Stones, three strikes and out

In all the news reporting about Afghanistan fiasco, the spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant, and scandals on The Bachelorette, an item that quickly passed by was the death of Charlie Watts. I told my wife he’d died and she said, “Who?” Not a surprise. There are probably a lot...

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Thoughts include MAGA/Orange to science

Are we all overjoyed and ecstatic now that our beloved Fearless Orange-Faced Supreme Leader has been restored to his rightful place in the White House as head of our country? I haven’t seen any fireworks, or dancing in the streets because of the great election turnover that took place on,...

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Reader’s Commentary: U.S. government proven not to be trusted: A response

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda In response to Wayne E. Johnson, July 22 in The Voice, thevoice.us/the-big-time-vaccination-received-instead-of-refused, the big time: Vaccine received, instead of refused: Americans have felt free to decide what they should or should not put into their bodies, until very recent history. We’ve assumed government respected our autonomy...

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LockDown No. 2 next? Tribute to Herschel Luckinbill

Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water, or in this case, a so-called normal life, along comes the evil stepsister of the COVID virus, the Delta Variant, which Trumpers like to call Great Hoax Number 2. LockDown Number 2 may be on its way...

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The big time: Vaccination received, instead of refused

Yes, I’ve finally made it to the big time. After all my years of acting on stage, as an extra in Hollywood films, or as a principle in industrial films for Bell Labs and others, I get recognized for receiving my COVID vaccination. And because I’m wearing my glasses, you...

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On Independence Days, rockets, bizarre tales

I hope every one of you readers had a safe and enjoyable July 4 celebration. It’s obvious that in Aurora, we love to celebrate Independence Day because the M80s start blasting in the evenings in early February and continue into late January. Some time back I’d written how, as young...

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On Father’s Day, 1984 movie, and the new Winston Smith

Happy four days after Father’s Day and five days after Juneteenth Day, or as the GOP likes to call it, “Huh?”. It seems my holiday columns always wind up in The Voice after the holidays about which I’ve chosen to write (notice how I didn’t end that sentence with a...

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Environment experience in the Everglades elucidating

The weather finally has turned favorable for all sorts of outdoor activities, such as hiking, swimming, biking, blowing off M80s in the middle of the night, tearing up the asphalt on low traffic streets and roads with rubber-burning, squealing tires, and camping. I enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors...

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On UFO sightings and on an apparent missing citizen

Have you noticed the current interest in unidentified flying objects (UFO) sightings? They’ve been getting a great deal of press lately since secret military videos have been leaked or released. Some documented UFO sightings have been in our area in the not-to-distant past. Over Aurora, we’ve had five orange, fireball-type...

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Remembrance of Ruby’s introductions to entertainment

We’ve just celebrated that special day when we take time out to thank and honor all our mothers. I’m going out on a limb here in assuming that we’ve all had mothers, except for a few members of Congress. I’ve written about my own mother, Ruby, in the past, but...

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Memories of possible jury duty, including laughter

A couple issues back, a concerned reader wrote in to give a voice to her opinion on the obligation the elderly have to serve jury duty, and the hardship involved in traveling, spending a day waiting to be selected, to be on a jury, or sent home. I can sympathize...

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Death-defying trip in a rusted pick-up truck recalled

This week, I thought I’d focus on something pleasant: Death. In this case, mine. Not the one in my future, but a near-death experience in my past. Back in ancient times, 1968, before I was a well respected, independently-wealthy writer, I owned a boat dealership with a partner, Ron. Our...

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March significant days offered worthy celebrations

By the time you read this column in The Voice, we’ll be stepping into a nice April, or a brisk October, depending on how the USPS is handling our mail deliveries. If Louis DeJoy is still running the postal system, it will most likely be the latter. We passed some...

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Reflections on past KP duty: Scrubbing pots, pans

While I was scrubbing my single serve fry pan this morning (not this morning, but the morning when I was writing this column), it reminded me of a day long past. It was a day during basic training when I, once again, had the privilege of being selected for KP...

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Keeping up with national news: CPAC to the Texas world

Now that the orange-faced spectre that previously haunted the White House is off to greener Florida pastures, or sand traps, there are thousands of delusional individuals in the country who believe the aforementioned apparition will rise up from a Mar-a-Lago dumpster this month, just like the Great Pumpkin, who has...

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Cold, snow? Fond memories of youthful encounters remain

If any of you dear (or other woodland-type) readers don’t feel it’s cold enough for you, I suggest you read “To Build a Fire,” a short story by Jack London. Your lips will turn blue even if you read it at high noon in the middle of Death Valley on...

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Hedging the GameStop stock underdog bet just fine

These are beautiful days. I can turn on the PBS News Hour without getting a preemptive knot in my stomach by wondering what travesty has come out of the White House, or having to watch a press briefing given by a blonde twit spouting lies and lame reasons for those...

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‘Funny’ facts fill U.S. elections

Those who think there’s no election fraud must be living with blinders on due to their political biases. Let’s look at some “funny” facts.

Dominion Voting Systems, widely used in this country, was founded in 2002 by two Canadians who currently own Dominion in partnership with Staple Street Capital, a New York-based private equity firm with questionable connections which invested in Dominion in 2018. Canada is a radically liberal country. Many Canadians would love to see Republicans defeated in the U.S. Why the heck are we using election software from a country biased against conservatism? Why the heck aren’t we using American software for American elections?...

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A bit of advice for Gen Xers, Gen Zers, GenDeadFishers

Did you ever wonder what would happen if your right hand was on your left arm instead of your right? Neither did I. By the time you read this, I hope things will have settled down and we can get back to focusing on what truly matters in our lives....

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