Today, the rate of species decline continues its fall

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Here’s some interesting things I didn’t know that I didn’t know (for thoughts on anything, I always fall back on my senior year homeroom’s motto, “Ignorance is Bliss.” You can get an idea of how far up on the food chain we were.). Let’s assume for a moment that my attitude has changed since then so I can pass some valuable information on to you.

In 1988, NASA scientist James Hansen warned a U.S. Senate Commission on Energy, that the world is experiencing global warming that would continue to rise about 0.72°F over the next 30 years. Even though his prediction turned out to be spectacularly accurate, Shell, Exxon, and the Koch Brothers, did all they could to dump cold, sorry, warm water on the evidence, lending credence to the arguments of GOP climate deniers in Congress, those who flunked chemistry and physics in high school. Remember former GOP senator James Inhofe who threw a snowball in the Senate to strengthen his position that climate change was a liberal hoax? Scientist Hansen criticized the Bill Clinton administration for too little action on climate and the George W. Bush administration for hostility toward any consideration of the climate and made a strong effort to shut him up.

Almost half of the animal species on Earth are listed as declining. So you can just blow it off, thinking these mass extinctions happened five times before and they’re just part of the natural progression of life on the planet and who cares if there are no more hairless flying weasels? What have they ever done for me? But these declines are actually Nature’s way of saying, “You laugh, but you’re on the list too, boneheads.” Today the rate of species decline is anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 times higher than in previous mass extinctions and human-type people are causing it all the while moving themselves steadily up on the list.

I don’t think we should be overly concerned, though, because here in America we have so much more to worry about; book banning, gays and transgenders destroying the moral fabric of the country like closet moths, the country our ancestors created by nearly wiping out indigenous peoples and their cultures, building a viable economy on the broken backs of slaves dragged in chains from their homes, WOKE-ism polluting the minds of innocent white children by exposing them to all the history of America and not just the whitewashed parts, having our sensibilities affronted by those still wearing face masks in public for no apparent reason other than to prevent catching or spreading fake viruses. All this is occurring as more and more big government is creeping in like kudzu vine and taking control of our lives. And this is supposed to be a free country with all this un-American, degenerate, immoral, activity running rampant? Gimme a break.

Speaking of our government, where is it in all of this? Shouldn’t it step in and handle these things? What are we paying taxes for? Did you ever notice how those screaming the loudest for less government in our lives are the first in line to ask for government assistance and intervention when they need or want something? At least governor Ron DeSantis in Florida is doing something for his state. He’s all ready spent millions of dollars of his taxpayers’ money protecting them from gays, nasty books, Mickey Mouse, and any harmful freedoms they once enjoyed. There may be homeless people living in the streets of Miami, but at least they won’t have drag queens tripping over them, or those flying weasels dropping who knows what down on their heads.

Maybe my senior class home room had it right. I felt a lot more blissful before I learned about all this stuff.

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