Montgomery Economic Development Corporation executive director shares changes in recap

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By Jason Crane – 
Charlene Coulombe-Fiore, executive director for the Montgomery Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), shared the semiannual MEDC recap for 2018 and said Caterpillar, Inc. would not be leaving Montgomery until next year at the earliest. She said on the addition of Grumpy Gaucho empanadas, Atrevete Confections macaroons, and Capelli Academy of Cosmetology III, Inc. in downtown Montgomery and noted the 60th anniversary event and grand opening expansion of Earthmover Credit Union recently took place.

Director Fiore shared changes to the MEDC Board with the pending retirement of Dr. Neil Schlupp and the addition of Old Dominion, Performance Foods, and Fox Metro. She advised on upcoming MEDC events including their business networking annual golf outing Thursday, Sept. 13, Montgomery Showcase Bus Tour Thursday, Oct. 11 and holiday appreciation party Thursday, Dec. 6. She thanked the Board, staff members, residents, local businesses, and MEDC partners for their support.

With a light agenda at the Montgomery Village Board meeting this week, here are meeting minutes from the Village’s August 27 meeting:

• Chief Smith summarized that KenCom does emergency dispatching for the Village and was in the process of doing a records management data conversion. The cost to transfer the Montgomery Police Department data to the new system would be $27,240 but he has coordinated a cost-sharing project with the North Aurora Police Department. Chief Smith requested approval for a reduced cost of $13,620.

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