Tag: Reader’s Commentary

Reader’s Commentary: On taking exception to The Voice writers

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I’ve had to shake my head hundreds of times through the years reading Wayne Johnson’s montage of demeaning hateful slurs in The Voice cynically aimed at his favorite protagonist, Donald Trump and of course, yours truly. A couple of weeks ago, in a gesture of fake...

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Reader’s Commentary: On Trump accomplishment

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I started writing to this publication a little more than three years ago when I asked publisher Carter Crane if he would place an article of mine into The Voice as a rebuttal to Wayne Johnson’s fawning love affair to the incoming Biden administration in2021. Johnson,...

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Reader’s Commentary: Anti-Semitic language continues

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Cheering for the home teams on American universities has been replaced by calls for “Death to the Jews” and “Death to America.” It’s an interesting departure from the norm. Well-organized, well-funded groups of Hitler Youth with tents, signs, Hamas banners, and Palestinian flags, are again creating...

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Reader’s Commentary: A debate of freedom vs. socialism in the U.S.

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda The demonstrations in Michigan last week again called for “Death to Israel” and “Death to America.” Even more disturbing, leftist Democrat congresswomen Illan Omar and Rashid Tlaib support these traitors to our Nation. And going by what Wayne Johnon and “The Chas” have written in this...

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Commentary: Illinois Community Colleges empower women

By Teresa Garate As a career advocate for community inclusion and access to critical services such as health care and education, I felt compelled to highlight the work of Illinois Community Colleges across our state that empower women to pursue careers in historically male-dominated industries. March is National Women’s History...

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Reader’s Commentary: Attack on Wayne’s World biting

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Alliterations aside, “Wayne’s World” Johnson’s article in the March 7 edition of The Voice was, using his word, “tripe.” Wayne sold his soul to an “armchair” psychiatrist, Dr. Gartner, along with 27 other waddling quacks, saying Donald Trump is almost as demented as Biden. Trump wasn’t...

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Reader’s Commentary: Endorsement of Qasim Rashid

By Marjorie Logman I feel the need to first address Bela “Bill” Suhayda, human to human. My suggestion is for you to let your computer or pen cool and have a nice cup of chamomile tea while reading a good book on Abraham Lincoln. When he wrote he always put...

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Reader’s Commentary: Democracy, political world, remain in focus

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda President Joe Biden needs to take a cognitive test, and if special prosecutor Hur is proven correct, Biden needs to be removed from office under the 25th amendment. If test results prove Biden is not impaired, he should stand trial for illegally- possessing documents he had...

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Reader’s Commentary: 10th Mini Golf FUN Raiser in Yorkville a hit

By Sue Smithmeyer and Sharon Mix, Friends of the Yorkville Public Library The 10th annual “Mini Golf FUN Raiser” at the Yorkville Public Library was held February 4. The Yorkville Public Library and Friends of the Library want to thank everyone, especially you the players, who made this event so...

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Reader’s Commentary: Law still requires due process to be found guilty

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Democrats think men can become pregnant!! Speaking of insanity, Karine Jean-Pierre, Biden’s press secretary, told the Nation that police officers were killed in the January 6, 2021 riot. There won’t be a correction, or apology for this lie coming from the White House. A complicit mass...

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Reader’s Commentary: Review of U.S. ballot process and those eligible

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Not only hasn’t Donald Trump been convicted of insurrection, he hasn’t been charged with the crime. Special prosecutor Jack Smith, the henchman of the DOJ (Department of Justice) and Democrats, could have charged Trump with the crime, but realized he didn’t have a case. Perhaps Trump’s...

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Reader’s Commentary: Problem solved: Close border

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I’m responding to the blithering blather of “Wayne’s World Johnson” and “The Chas” Coddington, ( both contributors to the “insane” section of this publication). I don’t want to waste much of your time or mine. Unfortunately, I don’t speak Wayne-glish so Johnson won’t understand what I’m...

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Reader’s Commentary: On solving parking, traffic, transportation problems

By Mary GoetschAurora, Ill. Traffic and transportation are challenging even in the best of times. I do my utmost to seek alternate times and routes to avoid traffic. I looked into the problem of parking in the City lot on N. Broadway, which serves both BNSF (train) riders as well...

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Reader’s Commentary: Calling for genocide never appropriate

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda As you may have read in a previous article I’ve written for this publication, my parents witnessed the trafficking of Jews to places they and others were led to believe were work camps somewhere in Europe. They were not aware before 1945, the implications or gravity...

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Reader’s Commentary: Defense real against Charles Coddington’s anti-Semitism

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Charles Coddington, in an incredibly-obtuse article to The Voice November 16 edition, dredged up hundreds of years of history to explain the meaning of anti-Semitism and how wrong we are using the term. The Chas argues semantics when Israeli babies are burned alive. Hate is hate...

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Reader’s Commentary: On correcting an historical perspective

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Charles Coddington, in an obtuse article to the Voice (November 16 edition), dredged up hundreds of years of history to explain the meaning of “Anti-Semitism” and how wrong we are using the term. The Chas argues semantics as babies are burned alive in Israel. Hate is...

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Reader’s Commentary: Viewpoint: Our youth taught to hate our country

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda The youth of America are being taught to hate their country, free speech, free Enterprise, Jews, Christian values, secure borders, and fossil fuels. In place of these things, our young people are taught to embrace censorship, communism, anti-Semitism, secularism, open borders, climate change, and globalism. To...

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Reader’s Commentary: Writer’s mom recalls vivid details of Holocaust

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.” My mom (Irene) grew up on a train station in Borgond, a rural town in Hungary during the Second World War. She and my grandparents lived on the second floor above the station. My grandfather...

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Reader’s Commentary: Gruesome statistics should be understood, not attacked

By Bela “Bill” SuhaydaSugar Grove, Ill. The dementia-riddled man in the White House works for Ukraine, China, Romania, and now Iran. He doesn’t work for you. Always verify the worth of a man by what he does, not by what he says. The proof is always in the pudding. Donald...

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Reader’s Commentary: East Aurora School District & TIF #1: A Cautionary Tale

By David CannonAurora, Ill. In 1986, the city of Aurora government, created TIF #1 – a public financing tool which diverts property tax dollars from their rightful destination to an unaccountable, undemocratic bucket of money, often doled out to private developers directly, as is the case with the new casino...

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