Ask Grandpa: Thank you letters from the prison system

Ask Grandpa
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Grandpa says: Happy Thanksgiving to all. I am publishing letters from convicts and ex-convicts who have written to tell of their gratitude for the prison system. Grandpa is not replying to these letters in print. Grandpa is neither endorsing nor condemning these statements. Opinions expressed are those of the writer. Grandpa is editing for length, anonymity, and clarity only. Read on.

• I think the best part about having been locked up all these years is the time I have had to reflect on what I did to (my victims). I learned to understand the real consequences of what I did to the families. My own family was torn apart by what I had done. Seeing them suffer for my choices helped me to globalize what the families of the victims go through every day. Not one of those people deserves to feel the loss that I put into their lives and hearts.

• I never had any interest in school. I signed up for school here in order to gain some good time (early release). I got a teacher who was able to make math easy for me to understand. He taught me decimals by comparing it to dollars and cents. He taught me that I already knew the metric system from my (street business). And he showed me how I can convert my street skills into legitimate sales tools.

• I have lost more than 60 pounds while in prison. On the street I could never lose weight because food was accessible. Here I get only 1,800 calories because I have no one to send money to me. It is not a recommended diet plan! But it does show how out of control my whole life has been. I am learning to see things differently in the classes offered here.

• Prison does not allow smoking. I had to quit when I got sent up. But I will have the freedom to take it back up in only two more years.

• Back in (more than 25 years ago) I was convicted of a crime against children. I served my sentence. My health was failing me as my time for release approached. I was found to be unfit to return to society due to my penchant and was civilly committed to (a mental hospital for the criminally insane.) This hospital is just a prison run by the Department of Health and Human Services. I receive very good health care here. I have lived longer here than I would have lived had I been released. I want to thank the prison system for sending me here. Thank you for nothing! Had you let me go home to die, I would not still be locked up.

• In the world I had a lot of friends. Well, people who said they were my friends. Going to prison showed me who my real friends were. There is a saying, “A buddy might visit you when you go to jail. A true friend will be sitting next to you in a cell saying, “Man, we really screwed up.”

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