Category: Commentary

Comparison of political tidbits offers items to digest

This week I feel I have to rear up here and say a few words in defense of fellow The Voice columnist, Chas Coddington. Frequent The Voice contributor Bela “Wild Bill” Suhayda recently stuck his head up out of the MAGA mire to lambast Chas for his comments on disgraced...

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Reader’s Commentary: Adult world must overcome versions of fantasy

By Marjorie Logman How did the exception become the rule in the United States today? Eight years ago I began digging myself out of a bad place, years of trauma, misconceptions, bad guidance, and a medical profession freely giving me way too many drugs. While shoveling all that away, I...

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Reader’s Commentary: Disagreement with Charles Coddington opinions

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda It’s easy to falsify, pervert, then obscure the truth about events when columnists in The Voice don’t bother including academic rigor in what they write. Opinion-writers such as Charles Coddington work well in the “mediums” of distortion and confusion. The Chas is a wizard at misinformation...

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Reader’s Commentary: Results required to improve Lakewood Springs Club

By Daniel “Danny” Fuentes, Lakewood Springs Club director, Plano, Ill. At Lakewood Springs Valued Club, I was elected to the Homeowners Association (HOA) Board one month ago. I still don’t see urgency by the Realmanage employee who handles our Club business. I was at the clubhouse several times last week....

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Reader’s Voice: Love the answer to Reader’s Voice

June 23, 2023Dear editor; “Woke 101: Is Marxism in America?” That question seemed trivial to me until I read Mary Ann Curtis’ letter in The Voice June 15, Reader’s Voice. She introduced herself as a Marxist Feminist who has distributed the Freedom Socialist newspaper for more than 50 years, “building...

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Reader’s Commentary: Writer defends Donald Trump, does not recognize country

By Bela “Bill” SuhaydaSugar Grove, Ill. We cannot be the shining city on the hill if we are not first a nation of laws and justice. We cannot fulfill our destiny as a free people if we don’t have the lady of justice wearing her blind fold. The president of...

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Reader’s Commentary: Note to Lakewood Springs Club members from director

By Danny Fuentes Lakewood Springs Club members, I thank you for your vote to put me on the Board to represent you two weeks ago for the next two years. I’ve been trying in touch to get in touch with the RealManage manager that’s supposed to handle all our business...

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Reader’s Commentary: Democratic transparency important for U.S. immigrants

By Mary Goetsch, Aurora, Ill. Tech industry leaders issued a one-sentence statement May 20 on artificial intelligence (AI) bringing a future risk of human extinction: “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.” It is good...

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Reader’s Voice: Comments on political party changes

May 29, 2023Dear editor; This opinion piece is in response to Mr. Suhayda’s commentary in The Voice April 27 edition. Rather than wade through the fiction and gross exaggerations Mr. Suhayda tirelessly expounds, some of which have been efficiently and at times humorously dealt with in The Voice, I will,...

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Reader’s Commentary: An appeal to Charles Coddington to debate, left, right

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda How many of you reading this article would want to be in a position to defend the insane ideas boys can be girls, girls can be boys, and men can become pregnant? I certainly wouldn’t! Or, would it be easier for you to accept and defend...

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Reader’s Voice: No religious values in U.S. Constitution

May 2, 2023Dear editor; In consecutive commentaries published in The Voice, Bela “Bill” Suhayda writes of the Judeo-Christian values that our Nation’s founding fathers, as Christian men, inserted into the U.S. Constitution. Reading Mr. Suhayda’s discourses prompted me to reread my copy of that esteemed document. What I found was...

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(With money) from Russia, cash payment, prediction true

I have a very good feeling that the twice impeached, habitually-lying, bigoted, cowardly, accused, orange-faced rapist and former president, our own Donny Boy Trump, is about to get what he deserves for his actions toward women over the many years. Even his lawyer seems to have thrown in the towel...

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Reader’s Commentary: Conspiracy theory may fit: Fermilab, Shermer book

By Mary GoetschAurora, Ill. Thursday, May 11 marks the federal end to pandemic restrictions and related funding programs. If school closures, public library closures, and restricted business were the precursor to online living, then after May 11, there should be no more of this situation. I see Fermilab (in Batavia)...

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Commentary: Build Illinois Homes State Tax Credit bill helpful

By State rep. Dagmara Avelar and State rep. Ryan Spain All around Illinois, the signs of change are apparent. The COVID-19 pandemic changed our economy, how we live and work, and how working-class and lower-income families struggle day to day. We come together to argue for a solution to one...

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Commentary: State House leadership stifles bills: New representative

By State representative Jed Davis Running for office last year, I knew Illinois was broken. But I have come to realize in just the few short months of serving as the State representative in the 75th District (Yorkville and Sandwich to the west, Morris to the south and Plainfield to...

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Reader’s Commentary: On ‘Coddington’s Logorrhea’, Joe Biden, Democrats

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Charles Coddington engaged in a bit of his own Logorrhea in the April 6 issue of The Voice after accusing Republicans of what he is guilty of doing…which is in a word… “logorrhea.” He prattled on about things he disagreed with, giving us his opinions on...

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Reader’s Commentary: Points made: Protecting children, 1619 Project problems

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Conservative actions concerning transsexuals and transexuality have to do with protecting these children, especially younger children and children up to and beyond puberty, from being groomed in ways that would lead them to becoming even more confused about their gender dysphoria. Impressionable and psychologically-confused children, with...

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Reader’s Commentary: Misconceptions of SWAT team tactics: A rebuttal

Misconception of SWAT team tactics: Here is a rebuttal to The Voice articles by columnist John Whitehead, April 28, 2022 and December 8, 2022. Mistakes in policing are never acceptable and SWAT is no exception. SWAT teams are sent to a location/target area when regular street cops can not resolve...

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Kids’ eye-screening, pancakes, prevail in Lions Bunny Breakfast

Kids’ eye-screenings joined pancakes on the menu at Aurora Noon Lions Club’s annual Bunny Breakfast Saturday, April 8. The annual fundraiser was held at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Aurora, site of Noon Lions meetings on first and third Thursdays. An estimated 300 breakfasts were served. Proceeds will benefit Lions’...

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Reader’s Commentary: Fear an explanation for conspiracy theories

By Mary GoetschAurora, Ill. This essay is a focus on conspiracy theories. The latest is wondering how media could anticipate the March 10 failure of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). The details of the collapse were in the Nation/World section of The Sun-Times, Sunday March 12 by the Associated Press....

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