Category: Poetry

Poem: Independence Day

Americans do love their Independence Day,And celebrate it in their own self-chosen way.Traditions have been coined to help us celebrate,But otherwise the choice is ours, and so we state.What must be seen here is the independence vein;We do it our way, either join in or refrain.There are so many plaudits,...

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Poem: Freedom Of Choice

When you are told you can’t have this or can’t have thatYou’re being told, quite succinctly, you have no voice.For all your freedoms, every one, will tell you flatThe bottom line is that you have freedom of choice. Regardless what is being said, no matter what,Freedom of choice is what...

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Poem: Memorial Day 2022

This day is set aside for those who died in war;To pay them homage and respect for sacrifice and more.This day should be one where we try to reach and touchBecause, not having been in war, you really don’t know much.For instance, take the veteran who has a Purple Heart;What...

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Poem: This Memorial Day

Memorial Day will have its way, a day in which we pause;To honor fallen heroes, who answered freedom’s cause.But, more than that, the day itself, the day we set aside,Designed to give us opportunity to show our pride. This day is just as meaningful as any we proclaim,Our reverence in...

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Poem: That Ladder Of Success

As an adult, of any age, how young are you?By that I mean, how closely do you think things through?Like, on the ladder of success, which you have tried,What rung did you achieve, completely satisfied? That is my point. At what point do you know success?If you are in the...

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Poem: A Time To Ponder

Think back along your younger years, on what you did;Perhaps as far back as when you were just a kid.Most likely you lived through those years with one concern’Yourself! Intent only on what you had to learn.And everything outside that field was hardly touched at all;Some grudgingly, so few things...

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Poem: In Every Essence

I like to think I’m just an average guy;No other likely title may apply.But then, quite often, there will be a shiftWhere I will try to give others a lift.Now why that thought occurs I have no clue,Except I think it’s the right thing to do.Of course, it will be...

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Poem: Being Cognitive

There are those places ins this world, now, it is said.Which are, at present, being haunted by the dead.While it is rare to have a “ghost” communicate,Or try to, neither do they seem to have a traitOf scaring people, although that we do ourselves—For we refuse to think that there...

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Poetry tour theme rebirth

In celebration of National Poetry Month, Aurora Downtown will feature a dozen poems in downtown storefronts throughout this month.. Poet Laureate and Aurora Downtown board member Karen Christensen put out a call to local poets for poetry with the theme rebirth. Christensen selected a dozen poems by the following local...

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Poem: Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty opened his eyes;Somewhat startled, there was surprise.Taking time now, looking around,He found he was high off the ground.Horrors! Panic! Almost a scream;Surely this must be a bad dream!For he’d never sit on a wall;Too much danger that he would fall.King’s men’s talents may be quite good;But putting him...

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Poem: Being Swept Off Your Feet

You measure your pleasure– to prevent being swept off your feet,But you may be preventing that pleasure from being complete.Being swept off your feet in the right way is something to prize;It’s not something that happens that often for, it’s a surprise;But it’s one that is plainly delightful, a giddy...

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Poem: George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver was, Thank God, a black;Was born into slavery, 1864;Essentially orphaned, but never looked back;Determined to be something, not seen before.He centered on agriculture and the soil,His people, as sharecroppers, near to despair;Their land had been worn out, despite their toil.He showed them how to bring the land...

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Call for poems in Aurora

In honor of National Poetry Month in April, Aurora Downtown will be host to a call for poems. The theme is “Rebirth” and poems will be reviewed by the City’s poet laureate. This is open to any writer who resides in the Fox Valley region. Original poems no more than...

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Poem: Kinda Going Back In Time

Before our teens we did not think of growing up;We weren’t concerned with a half-filled half-empty cup.Our likes and dislikes took no time at all to form;And living for the moment seemed to be the norm.The biggest thing we had to think about back thenWas just whose house or yard...

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Poem: A Young Teen’s Memory…

Again I am reminded, soon it’s Valentine’s Day,And now in the 6th Grade, careful how I post.For right now, in my teen years, certain ones hold swayMore than before, and those I really think of mostAnd more important now…leastwise that is how I feelRight now, although I know although I...

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Poem: Citing The New Year

Perhaps we haven’t seen a New Year’s quite like this’The end to COVID-19, we don’t want to miss.This thing has caused us to do things not done before;It is far different than when we were at war.Instead of rationing, stuff really was not there.It limited our movement, something all would...

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Poem: Being Cognitive

There are those places ins this world, now, it is said.Which are, at present, being haunted by the dead.While it is rare to have a “ghost” communicate,Or try to, neither do they seem to have a traitOf scaring people, although that we do ourselves—For we refuse to think that there...

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Poem: In The Beginning

That God helps those who help those who can’t help themselvesIs only one way that a godly effort delves.Into our actions, most often in such a wayWe never knew that God had been there, felt His play. His actions rarely will divert our history,But it has happened, sometimes very openly.Since...

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Poem: Citing The New Year

Perhaps we haven’t seen a New Year’s quite like this’The end to COVID-19, we don’t want to miss.This thing has caused us to do things not done before;It is far different than when we were at war.Instead of rationing, stuff really was not there.It limited our movement, something all would...

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Poem: Christmas Magic

This is, of course, my Christmas wish to all of you;May you find peace and happiness in all you do.There is a matter though I’d like to talk about,But I must warn you—don’t come into this with doubt.Do you believe in miracles? I think you should.We’ve had two thousand constant...

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