Native American cultures at the Santori Library of Aurora

Native American cultures at the Santori Library of Aurora
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Dressed in traditional Ojibwa regalia, author Kim Sigafus McIver shares her knowledge of many aspects of Native American cultures at the Santori Library of Aurora Tuesday. She discusses Native people who lived in Illinois in the 1800s and their traditions. She described Native American foodways, including the planting of the three sisters: Corn, beans, and squash.

Drumming and singing, with a traditional lullaby the audience learns the song. Native American language was a focus how to view and handle Native artifacts. 

There were opportunities for audience participation, including an invitation into a drum and rain stick circle. She shows visitors the display.

Jason Crane/The Voice

Author Kim Sigafus McIver displays Native artifacts for audience participation. Bonnie Sebby photo
Native American drumming and singing by audience members in a drum and rain stick circle.
Bonnie Sebby photo



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