Tag: Readers Voice

Reader’s Voice: In defense of Joe Biden

May 25, 2024Dear editor; This letter is a response to Reader’s Commentary, May 16, 2024, “Biden reversed Trump accomplishments.” The foundation of the argument presented in the comments May 16 article, as I understand it, is Biden destroyed U.S. energy independence”, reversing Trump’s accomplishment; it made Putin rich, and it...

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Reader’s Voice: Governor Pritzker priorities misplaced

January 16, 2024Dear editor; Illinois governor JB Pritzker is back grandstanding for the news media, complaining about the immigration crisis trickling up to Illinois. In October 2023, Pritzker sent an open letter to president Joe Biden begging for federal tax resources to deal with the so-called “asylum seekers” being bussed...

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Reader’s Voice: President must close borders

November 13, 2023Dear editor; In times of crisis, four presidents ordered the closure of our borders. The 9-11 terrorists entered our country illegally by using forged passports. One can only wonder how many terrorists or criminals could be embedded among the illegal immigrants. Resources of our border towns have been...

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Reader’s Voice: Whiteheads’ silence thunderous

Sunday, July 30Dear editor; This concerns recent commentaries by John and Nisha Whitehead in The Voice. The Whiteheads warn us in the first paragraph of the June 22, 2023, issue of The Voice, that Donald Trump’s indictment accusing him of mishandling and hiding classified documents and obstruction of justice is...

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Reader’s Voice: Restaurant, video-gaming, worthy

July 23, 2023Dear editor; A recently-opened restaurant and a very nice/new video gaming room are now available in North Aurora. They have a free, private, event room with a private bar available that holds approximately 85 persons with no cost for the room. The food is very good and the...

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Reader’s Voice: OSHA visits plant for safety

July 12, 2023Dear editor; To whom it may concern: Pure Fishing (Plano Molding) Sandwich, Illinois was visited by OSHA earlier this month. They have safety issues to be worked on. There are racks that sway from side to side with thousands of pounds on them. Not very safe. Also, the...

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Reader’s Voice: Homeless need to be understood

July 11, 2023Dear editor; Because I was homeless once with my wife, due to my past wrongs, I would like everyone to understand all the homeless on the streets are not drunks and drug addicts. In my time on the streets, I’ve met amazing people from different backgrounds, different nationalities....

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Reader’s Voice: Thought: Republicans must mail in votes

June 11, 2023Dear editor; To wrap up the week, please check out my colleagues’ new pieces on Voter ID (Noel Wilkins) and the main subject of this post, mail-in voting (John Pudner’s latest piece in NewsMax, which has overtaken CNN in viewership many time slots). In May 2020, Pudner sounded...

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Reader’s Voice: Naperville launch pad of Awake Illinois

June 10, 2023Dear editor; Awake Americans, a national affiliate of Awake Illinois, is using Naperville as a launch pad for its views and actions that contradict and undermine our City’s pledge to diversity, equity, and inclusion. A public statement from mayor Scott Werhli and the City Council, to tell them...

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Reader’s Voice: Better to celebrate Straight Pride

June 3, 2023Dear editor; It’s June, and we’re supposed to once again dutifully hop on board the “Gay Pride” bandwagon and celebrate all things “gay.” But are we celebrating the fact that male homo/bisexuals have an HIV/AIDS rate that is 40-50 times the heterosexual HIV/AIDS rate? According to the CDC,...

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Reader’s Voice: Comments on political party changes

May 29, 2023Dear editor; This opinion piece is in response to Mr. Suhayda’s commentary in The Voice April 27 edition. Rather than wade through the fiction and gross exaggerations Mr. Suhayda tirelessly expounds, some of which have been efficiently and at times humorously dealt with in The Voice, I will,...

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Reader’s Voice: Situation at Mexican border alarming

May 15, 2023Dear editor; Can the incompetence of the Joe Biden administration be any clearer than the alarming humanitarian situation we have on the Mexico border? Estimates show thousands of immigrants are coming across the border every day. The current situation is out of control and dangerous. A robust, well-regulated...

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Reader’s Voice: No religious values in U.S. Constitution

May 2, 2023Dear editor; In consecutive commentaries published in The Voice, Bela “Bill” Suhayda writes of the Judeo-Christian values that our Nation’s founding fathers, as Christian men, inserted into the U.S. Constitution. Reading Mr. Suhayda’s discourses prompted me to reread my copy of that esteemed document. What I found was...

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Reader’s Voice: Be wary of gaslighting

April 27, 2023Dear editor; I think that gaslighting in the City of Lights (Aurora) needs to be addressed. Gaslighting is a way of twisting truth with a finesse about it. It uses hyperbole to get you to believe what is not exactly true. In America, the big one is that...

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Reader’s Voice: A sense of outrage on Mr. Trump

April 10, 2023Dear editor; G.O.P. stalwarts made headlines crying, “Unfair treatment under the law!” in response to southern Manhattan’s D.A. Bragg’s announcement to indict the G.O.P.’s puppet-master. Conservative commentator S.E. Cupp fired a well-aimed fusillade at Fox Network’s chief propagandists, Carlson, Hannity, et.al. blasting their supposed outrage: “They weren’t outraged...

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Reader’s Voice: Help needed for Senior Center

April 8, 2023Dear editor; Thank you to the Oswego Fire Dept. Board for figuring out what taxpayers needed to know before passing the Bond that benefits us all. I’m wondering if a similar idea could work for OSCC (Oswegoland Senior and Community Center)? I’m not on any board or in...

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Age Guide Breakfast at Senior Services in Aurora, informative

March 20, 2023Dear editor; The Age Guide Collaborative Breakfast was held Friday, March 17 at Senior Services in Aurora. Many were in attendance including various Senior Advocacy Organizations, legislators including Rep Bill Foster and representatives from Lauren Underwood and State senator Karina Villa offices. Many of the seniors from Aurora...

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Reader’s Voice: Aurora can revert: Place for all

March 13, 2023Dear editor; “I Sold my Soul to the Company Store.” That is the title to an old song often sung by Tennessee Ernie Ford. I thought it describes very well our current City Hall government in Aurora. With its rules of loyalty, a specific lingo, and misuse of...

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Reader’s Voice: Objection to the H.O.A. excessive rules in Plano Club

February 25, 2023 Dear editor; I’ve been living in the Lakewood Springs Club Community for a few months now. There are way too many rules that are a bit on the petty side of things. We moved into this Club to enjoy our lives and break away from the craziness...

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Reader’s Voice: Personal experience: SNAP important

March 6, 2023Dear editor; When I was growing up in the 1950s my mom was a single parent raising my three older brothers and me on a low-paid job and no food assistance. I remember when I was six years old leaving food on my plate each night that she...

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